American beautyberry is a vibrant shrub characterized by its bright purple berries that adorn its branches in late summer to early fall. Its broad, light green leaves provide a striking backdrop to the colorful berries, attracting both attention and birds to the garden.
Native azalea species in Florida offer a unique alternative to the common non-native varieties. Examples include Piedmont azalea, Florida flame azalea, Alabama azalea, and Swamp azalea, each with distinct flower colors and characteristics.
Black-eyed Susans are charming flowers with bright yellow petals and a dark center. They are resilient plants, able to thrive in various harsh conditions including drought and heat, making them ideal for gardens in coastal areas.
Also known as gayfeather or colic root, blazing star is a favorite among pollinators like bees and butterflies. Its purple bottlebrush-shaped blooms add texture to gardens and it thrives in a variety of conditions.
Buttonwood is a versatile plant suitable for various landscaping purposes, including shrubs, ornamental trees, or privacy hedges. It features twisted, leaning trunks when allowed to grow tall.
Carolina jessamine is a vine with dark green leaves and light yellow trumpet-shaped flowers. While visually appealing, it's important to note that all parts of the plant are highly toxic if ingested.
Coontie, a native cycad in North America, features feathery leaves and grows low to the ground. It's an excellent choice for borders or ground cover, but caution must be taken as all parts of the plant are toxic if ingested.
Coral bean thrives in the hot climate of South Florida, displaying striking bright red blooms on tall stalks. It can grow into a shrub or small ornamental tree, adding visual interest to any landscape.